
Archive 2010–2019

Giorgi, J 2019, Charred Plant Remains, in P. Rainbird (ed) The Excavation of an Iron Age Roundhouse at the former Exeter Golf and Country Club Practice Ground, Newcourt Drive, Exeter, Proc. Devon Archaeol. Soc. 77 (2019), 290–292

Giorgi, J 2019, Charred Plant Remains, in F. Pink & P. Rainbird (eds) Early and Middle Neolithic Pits from land adjacent to Butts Road and Higher Ridgeway, Ottery St Mary, Proc. Devon Archaeol. Soc. 77 (2019), 89–93

Giorgi, J 2019, Charred Plant Remains, in M. Luke & J. Barker (eds) A Romano–British Settlement and Cemetery at Higham Road, Burton Latimer, Northamptonshire. Albion Archaeology Monograph 4, 101–111

Giorgi, J 2019, The Charred Plant Remains in J. Barker (ed), A Roman Crop-processing site at Campbell Park Canalside, Milton Keynes, Records of Buckinghamshire 59, 39–72

Giorgi, J 2018, Environmental Evidence in B. Powell (ed) 'Excavations at 22 and 23 Joy Street Barnstaple: Late Medieval to Modern Occupation'. Proc. Devon Archaeol. Soc. 75 (2017), 261–63

Giorgi, J 2017, The Charred Plant Remains in D. Ingham (ed), A Middle Iron Age settlement at Banbury Lane, King's Sutton, Northamptonshire Archaeology 39, 82–3

Giorgi, J 2017, The Charred Plant Remains in D. Ingham (ed), Livestock management at Bedford Academy in the 1st century AD, Bedfordshire Archaeology 27, 105–36

Giorgi, J 2017, Charred and Waterlogged Plant Remains, in C. Hayden, R. Early, E. Biddulph, P. Booth, A. Dodd, A. Smith, G. Laws and K. Welsh (eds) Horcott Quarry, Fairford and Arkell's land, Kempsford. Prehistoric, Roman and Anglo-Saxon settlement and burial in the Upper Thames Valley in Gloucestershire. Thames Valley Landscapes Monograph 40, Oxford Archaeology Ltd, 505–514

Giorgi, J 2016, Plant Remains, in M. Hurford, B. Whitney, H. Jones & A. Howard (eds), An Early Holocene Peat Sequence from Slip Inn Quarry, Ashby Parva, Leicestershire. The Leicestershire Archaeological and Historical Society Transactions 90, 5

Giorgi, J & Rackham, J 2016, Charred Plant Remains and Charcoal from the 2011 excavation, in D Hopewell (ed) A Roman settlement at Tai Cochion, Llanidan, on Anglesey, Archaeologia Cambrensis 165, 92–104

Giorgi, J 2016, The Charred Plant Remains in D. Ingham (ed), Two Ring Ditch Excavations at Willington, Derbyshire 2014, Derbyshire Archaeological Journal 136, 29

Giorgi, J 2016, The Charred Plant Remains, in M. Luke (ed), Close to the Loop: landscape and settlement evolution beside the Biddenham Loop, west of Bedford East Anglian Archaeology 156

Giorgi, J 2015, The Plant Remains, in L. Dunwoodie, C. Harward & K. Pitt (eds) An early Roman fort and urban development on Londinium's eastern hill: excavations at Plantation Place, City of London 1997–2003, MoLA Monograph series 65

Giorgi, J 2015, Plant Remains, in S. Teague, A. Norton & A. Dodd. Late Saxon, Medieval and Post–Medieval Archaeology at the Nun’s Garden, The Queen's College, Oxford. Oxoniensia Vol 80, 179–185

Giorgi, J 2013, The Plant Remains in R. Batchelor, J. Giorgi, S. Warman & M. Watts, Economy, diet and health. In V. Ridgeway & M. Watts (eds) Friars, Quakers, Industry and Urbanisation: The Archaeology of the Broadmead Expansion Project Cabot Circus, Bristol 2005-2008, 381–387. PCA Monograph 16, Cotswold Archaeology Monograph 5, 288–301

Giorgi, J & Smith, W 2013, The Charred Plant Remains, in S. Willis (ed), The Roadside Settlement and Multi–Period Ritual Complex at Nettleton and Rothwell, Lincolnshire. The Central Lincolnshire Wolds Research Project. Vol 1, 308–320

Giorgi, J 2013, Charred Plant Remains, in M. Dyer & H. Quinnell (eds) Excavations of a Group of Early Bronze Age Monuments on Headon Down, Sparkwell, Proc. Devon Archaeol. Soc. 71 (2013), 73

Giorgi, J 2012, The Plant Remains, in C.S. Lightfoot and E.A. Ivison (eds) Amorium Reports 3: The lower City Enclosure. Finds Reports and Technical Studies, 395–418

Giorgi, J 2011, Plant Remains, in I. Howell, D. Swift & B. Watson (eds) Archaeological landscapes of east London. Six multi–period sites excavated in advance of gravel quarrying in the London Borough of Havering, MoLA Monograph 54

Giorgi, J 2011, The Plant Remains, in J.S.C. Lewis with J. Rackham (eds), Three Ways Wharf, Uxbridge. A Late glacial and Early Holocene hunter-gatherer site in the Colne Valley, MoLA Monograph 51, 28

Giorgi, J 2011, The Plant Remains, in I. Grainger & C. Phillpotts (eds) The Cistercian abbey of St. Mary Graces, East Smithfield, London, MoLA Monograph 44, 158–164

Giorgi, J 2011, The Plant Remains, in D. Ingham (ed) Farming at Hill Field, Wilshamstead in the first millennium AD. Bedfordshire Archaeology 26

Giorgi, J 2011, The Plant Remains, in Excavations at Scadbury. Part 2: Some Remains of Medieval Settlement. Orpington and District Archaeological Society

Giorgi, J 2011, The Plant Remains, in P.A. Emery & K. Wooldridge (eds) St Pancras burial ground: excavations for St Pancras International, the London terminus of High Speed 1, 2002–3, 188–189. London. Museum of London Archaeology

Giorgi, J 2010, The Plant Remains, in J. Abrams & D. Shotliff (eds) The remains of Robert de Waudari's Castle, Castle Street, Luton, Bedfordshire Archaeology 26, 403–404

Giorgi, J 2010, The Charred Plant Remains, in D. Ingham (ed) Further excavation of a late Iron Age settlement at Scotland farm, Dry Drayton, Proceedings of the Cambridge Antiquarian Society XCVIX, 31

Giorgi, J 2010, The Botanical Remains, in W. Keir & D. Ingham (eds) A Medieval Moat at the former White Swan Public House, Westcott, Buckinghamshire. Records of Buckinghamshire 50, 35–52