Archive 2000–2009
Giorgi, J 2009, The Plant Remains, in I. Grainger & C. Phillpotts (eds) The Royal Navy victualling yard, East Smithfield, London, MoLA Monograph 45, 115–120
Giorgi, J 2009, Plant Remains, in S. Carlyle & R. Atkins (eds) Medieval Land Reclamation at Brayford Pool, Lincoln. Archaeological excavation at the Brayford Centre 2000. BAR British Series 498, 25–40
Giorgi, J 2009, Plant Remains, in C. Allen (ed) Exchange and Ritual at the Riverside: Late Bronze Age Life in the Lower Witham Valley at Washingborough, Lincolnshire. Pre–Construct Archaeology (Lincoln) Monograph Series 1, 112–222
Giorgi, J 2009, The Botanical Remains, in J. Bowsher & P. Miller (eds) The Rose and the Globe — playhouses of Shakespeare’s Bankside, Southwark. Excavations 1988–91, MoLA Monograph 48
Giorgi, J 2009, The Plant Remains, in K. Pitt & J. Taylor (eds) Finsbury's moated manor, medieval land use and later development in the Finsbury Square area, Islington Museum of London Archaeology Studies Series 20
Giorgi, J & Costantini, L 2009, The Charred Plant Remains, in R .T. Scott (ed) Excavations in the Area Sacra of Vesta (1987-1996) (Memoirs of the American Academy in Rome, Supplementary volume VIII), 125–151
Giorgi, J 2009, The Plant Remains, in C. Cowan, F. Seeley, A. Wardle, A. Westman & L. Wheeler (eds) Roman Southwark settlement and economy. Excavations in Southwark 1973–91. MoLA Monograph 42
Giorgi, J 2008, The Plant Remains, in I. Grainger, D. Hawkins, L. Cowal & R. Mikulski (eds), The Black Death cemetery, East Smithfield, London MoLAS Monograph 43
Giorgi, J & Gray, L 2008, The Plant Remains, in N. Bateman, C. Cowan & R. Wroe–Brown (eds), London's Roman amphitheatre: Guildhall Yard, City of London MoLAS Monograph 35
Giorgi, J 2008, The Plant Remains, in R. Cowie & L. Blackmore (eds) Early and Middle Saxon rural settlement in the London region, MoLAS Monograph 41
Giorgi, J 2008, The Charred Plant Remains, in D. Ingham (ed) Iron Age settlement by the Dam Brook at Scotland Farm, Dry Drayton, Proceedings of the Cambridge Antiquarian Society XCVII, 36–37
Giorgi, J 2008, The Charred Plant Remains, in J. Abrams & D. Ingham (eds) Farming on the Edge: Archaeological Evidence from the Clay Uplands to the West of Cambridge. East Anglian Archaeology Report 123, Albion Archaeology
Giorgi, J 2008, The Plant Remains, in D. Bowsher (ed) Archaeological Excavations at Church Lane/Church Street, Dagenham, Essex Archaeology and History 36 (2005), 118–130
Giorgi, J 2008, The Plant Remains, in T. Wilson (ed), A Narrow View across the Upper Thames Valley in Late Prehistoric and Roman times. Archaeological excavations along the Chalgrove to East Isley gas pipeline. BAR 467
Giorgi, J 2007, The Plant Remains, in D. Bowsher, T. Dyson, N. Holder & I. Howell (eds) The London Guildhall. An archaeological lhistory of a neighbourhood from early medieval to modern times. Parts I and II. MoLAS Monograph 36
Giorgi, J 2007, The Plant Remains, in P. Miller & D. Saxby (eds) The Augustinian priory of St Mary Merton, Surrey. Excavations 1976-90. MoLAS Monograph 34, 235–243
Giorgi, J 2006, The Plant Remains, in D. Seeley, C. Phillpotts & M. Samuel (eds) Winchester Palace, Excavations at the Southwark residence of the bishops of Winchester. MoLAS Monograph Series 31, 118–130
Giorgi, J 2006, The Plant Remains, in R. Bull & S. Davis (eds) Becoming Roman. Excavation of a Late Iron Age to Romano-British landscape at Monkston Park, Milton Keynes. Museum of London Archaeological Service Archaeology Studies Series 16
Giorgi, J 2006, The Plant Remains, Excavations at Colle Castellano, in K. Bowes, K. Francis & R. Hodges (eds) Between Text and Territory. Survey and Excavations in the Terra of San Vicenzo al Volturno, Archaeological Monographs of the British School at Rome 16, 206–10
Giorgi, J 2006, Farming on the East London gravels, in P. Greenwood, D. Perring & P. Rowsome (eds) From Ice Age to Essex. A history of the people and landscape of East London, Museum of London, 58
Giorgi, J 2006, The Plant Remains, in C. Thomas, R. Cowie & J. Sidell (eds) The royal palace, abbey and town of Westminster on Thorney Island. Archaeological excavations (1991–8) for the London Underground Limited Jubilee Extension Project. MoLAS Monograph Series 22
Giorgi, J 2005, The Charred Plant Remains, in J. Hunt (ed) Lobs Hole, Stevenage. A Romano–British Farmstead, 116–124
Giorgi, J 2005, The Charred Plant Remains, in A. Richmond (ed) Excavation of a Peterborough Ware Pit at Wallingford, Oxfordshire Oxoniensia LXX, 90–91
Giorgi, J 2005, The Plant Remains, in P. Miller, T. Wilson & C. Harward (eds) Saxon, medeval and post–medieval settlement at Sol Central, Marefair, Northampton Archaeological excavations 1998–2002 MoLAS Monograph 27
Giorgi, J 2005, The Plant Remains, in B. Yule (ed) A prestigious Roman building complex on the Southwark waterfront: excavations at Winchester Palace, London, 1983–90. MoLAS Monograph Series 23
Giorgi, J 2004, The Plant Remains, in J.R. Hunn (ed) Tyttenhanger: excavation and survey in the Parish of Ridge, Hertfordshire. BAR 381
Giorgi, J 2004, The Charred Plant Remains, in E. Howe (ed) A medieval timber building at London Road, Wallington, Surrey. Surrey Archaeological Collections 91, 228
Giorgi, J 2004, The Charred Plant Remains, in D. Sankey (ed) Excavations at Dollis Hill, LAMAS Trans. 54
Giorgi, J 2004, The Plant Remains, in P.G.E. Neal, R. Frazer et al, A Romano–British enclosed farmstead at Billington Drive, Thurscoe, South Yorkshire, Yorkshire Archaeological Journal 76, 63–76
Giorgi, J 2004, Plant Remains, in E. Howe & D. Lakin (eds), Roman and medieval Cripplegate, City of London. Archaeological excavations 1992–8. MoLAS Monograph 21
Giorgi, J 2004, Plant Remains, in D. Swift (ed), Roman burials, medieval tenements and suburban growth. 201 Bishopsgate, City of London. MoLAS Studies Series 10
Giorgi, J 2003, Plant Remains, in B. Sloane, S. Hoad, J. Clarke, J. Pearce & R. Stephenson (eds) Early modern industry and settlement. Excavations at George Street, Richmond, and High Street, Mortlake, in the London Borough of Richmond upon Thames. MoLAS Studies Series 9, 41–42
Giorgi, J, Costantini, L & Costantini-Biasini, L 2002, Archaeobotanical Investigation in the Bronze Age site of Vivara (Procida, Naples), in 3rd International Congress Science and Technology for the Safeguard of Cultural Heritage in the Mediterranean Basin Proceedings 1 (ed A. Guarino), Alcala de Henaes (Spain) 9–14th July 2001, 165–174
Giorgi, J 2002, The Plant Remains, in H. Knight, Aspects of medieval and later Southwark Archaeological excavations (1991–8) for the London Underground Limited Jubilee Line Extension Project. MoLAS Monograph 13
Giorgi, J 2002, The Plant Remains, in B. Barber & C. Thomas, The London Charterhouse. MoLAS Monograph 10
Giorgi, J 2001, The Plant Remains, in B. Barber, J. Giorgi & R. Stephenson, Saving the Globe: Part 1, archaeological excavation occasioned by the redevelopment of the Anchor Terrace Car Park, Park Street SE1. London Archaeologist Winter 2001, vol. 9, no. 11, 300–308
Giorgi, J 2001, The Plant Remains, in K. Tyler (ed) The 'Western Stream' reconsidered. Excavations at the medieval Great Wardrobe: Wardrobe Place, City of London. LAMAS Trans. 51, 2000, 38–43
Giorgi, J & Costantini, L 2001, Charred plant remains of the Archaic period from the Forum and Palatine. Journal of Roman Archaeology 14, 239–248
Giorgi, J 2001, The Plant Remains from Fennings Wharf, in B. Watson, T. Brigham & T. Dyson (eds) London Bridge, 2000 years of a river crossing, MoLAS Monograph 8, 220–227
Giorgi, J 2001, Plant Remains, in J. Sidell (ed) Environmental Archaeology in London 1995–1998, part 4, London Archaeologist Vol. 9, No. 8, 217–220
Giorgi, J 2001, The Plant Remains, in I. Grainger (ed) Excavations at Battle Bridge Lane in 1995: medieval and early post-medieval development along Tooley Street, Southwark, Surrey Archaeological Collections 87, 1–47
Giorgi, J 2001, Plant Remains, in J. Sidell (ed) Environmental Archaeology in London 1995–1998, part 3, London Archaeologist Vol. 9, No. 7, 188–94, 203
Giorgi, J 2000, The Plant Remains — a summary, in A. Mackinder, A Romano–British cemetery on Watling Street. Excavations at 165 Great Dover Street, Southwark, London (MoLAS Archaeology Studies Series 4), 65–66
Giorgi, J 2000, Plant Remains, in J Sidell (ed), Environmental Archaeology in London 1995–1998, part 2, London Archaeologist Vol. 9, No. 4, 95–101