
Archive 1984–1999

Giorgi, J 1999, Plant Remains, in J. Sidell, J. Giorgi & A. Pipe, Environmental Archaeology in London 1995–1998, part 1, London Archaeologist Vol. 9, No. 3, 67–71

Giorgi, J 1999, Plant remains from the sediments of the Inner Harbour (area 114), in K.G. Holum, A. Raban & J. Patrich (eds) Caesarea Papers 2. Herod's Temple, The Provincial Governor's Praetorium and Granaries, the Later Harbor, a Gold Coin Hoard and other studies, 353–356

Giorgi, J 1999, Archaeobotanical Evidence from London on Aspects of Post Medieval Urban Economies, in G. Egan & R. Michael (eds) Old and New World. Proceedings of the 1997 SPMA & SHA Conferences. Oxbow Books, 342–348

Giorgi, J 1998, The Charred Plant Remains, in E. Howe (ed) A Romano–British farmstead at St Mary Abbots Hospital, Marloes Road, Kensington, Trans LAMAS 49, 22–25

Giorgi, J 1998, The environmental evidence, in K. Tyler (ed.) Excavations at the former Allied Brewery, 148–180 St. John Street, London, EC1, Trans LAMAS 49, 121–127

Giorgi, J 1997, Botanical evidence, in G. Malcolm (ed.) Excavations at Island Site, Finsbury Pavement, London EC2, Trans LAMAS 48, 49–52

Giorgi, J 1997, Diet in Late Medieval and Early Modern London: the archaeobotanical evidence, in D. Gaimster & P. Stamper (eds.) The Age of Transition. The Archaeology of English Culture 1400–1600. Oxbow monograph 98, 197–213

Giorgi, J 1997, The Charred Plant Remains, in T. Potter & A. King (eds), Excavations at the Mola di Monte Gelato: a Roman and medieval settlement in south Etruria, Archaeological Monographs of the British School at Rome 11, 407–11

Giorgi, J & Rackham, J 1996, The Environmental Evidence, in C. Palmer–Brown, Two Middle Saxon Grubenhauser at St Nicholas School, Boston, Lincolnshire History and Archaeology 31, 12–18

Giorgi, J 1996, The Plant Remains, in C. Thomas & J. Rackham (eds) Bramcote Green, Bermondsey: a Bronze Age trackway and palaeoenvironmental sequence, Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society 61, 221–53

Giorgi, J 1996, Environmental Research, in C.S. Lightfoot and E.A. Ivison et al, Amorium Excavations 1994, The Seventh Preliminary Report, Anatolian Studies, 45 (1995), 121–127

Giorgi, J, Clark, G, Webley, D & Barker, G 1995, Iron Age Farming, in G. Barker et al, A Mediterranean valley: Landscape Archaeology and Annales History in the Biferno Valley, 168–171

Giorgi, J 1995, The Carbonised Plant Remains, in P. Bruce, Recent work at Orchard Hill, Queen Mary's Hospital, Carshalton, London Archaeologist, 7 (1994), 174–77

Giorgi, J 1994, Carbonised Cereal Grains, in D. Lakin (ed) A Romano–British rural site at Long Lane Playing Fields, Ickenham, Trans LAMAS 45, 1–12

Giorgi, J 1994, Environmental Research, in Excavations in Amorium 1992, Anatolian Studies 43 (1993), 151–3

Giorgi, J & Costantini, L 1993, The botanical remains, in C. Malone and S. Soddart (eds.), The Neolithic site of San Marco, Gubbio (Perugia), Umbria: Survey and excavation 1985–7. Papers of the British School at Rome 60, 43–52

Giorgi, J & Pearson, E 1992, The Plant Remains, in C. Cowan (ed) A possible mansion in Roman Southwark: Excavations at 15–23 Southwark Street, 1980–86, Transactions of the London and Middlesex Archaeology Society 43, 165–70

Giorgi, J 1992, Ethnoarchaeological studies: Plants, in G. Barker and A. Grant (eds.) Ancient and modern pastoralism in central Italy: an interdisciplinary study in the Cicolano Mountains. Papers of the British School at Rome 59, 79–83

Giorgi, J 1992. Plant Remains, in G. Barker & A. Grant, with contributions by P. Beavitt, N. Christie, J. Giorgi, P. Hoare & M. Migliavacca. Part II: Survey and Ethnoarchaeology on the Rascino Plateau, in N Christie (ed.) Leicester in Sabina. Field Surveys and Excavations in central Italy, 1988–1991. University of Leicester School of Archaeological Studies, 25–38

Giorgi, J & Fitt, J 1990, I resti vegetali: semi ed altri reperti, in L. Sagui & L. Paroli (eds) L'esedra della Crypta Balbi nel medioevo (XI–XV secolo). Florence, 616–621

Giorgi, J 1989, The Plant Remains. Excavations at Walton Lodge. Records of Buckinghamshire 31, 184–85

Giorgi, J & Smith, D 1989, L'evidenza ambientale– Palazzo Altemps (Roma). Archeologia Medievale XVI, 325

Giorgi, J 1989, The Flora of the Parte Antica, in A.M. Ippoloito & P. Vian (eds.) The Protestant Cemetery in Rome. The Parte Antica (Rome), 260–71

Giorgi, J & Costantini, L 1989, The botanical remains, in G. Clark, L. Costantini, A. Finetti, J. Giorgi, A. Jones, D. Reese, S. Sutherland & D. Whitehouse, The food refuse of an affluent urban household in the late fourteenth century: faunal and botanical remains from the Palazzo Vitelleschi, Tarquinia (Viterbo). Papers of the British School at Rome, 57, 245–56

Giorgi, J 1988, Dati palaeoeconimici, in G. Barker, J. Moreland, T. Leggio, G. Clarke & J. Giorgi, Insediamento altomedievale ed uso della terra nei dintorni di Farfa approcciao storico archeologico. Archeologica Laziale 9, 430–1

Giorgi, J 1988, Plant remains from the Via Sacra. Archeologia Laziale, 9, 24–6

Giorgi, J 1988, Rapporto prelimare sui reperti botanici, in T. Potter & T. King (eds.) Scavi a Monte Gelato Archeologia Medievale 15, 299

Giorgi, J & Costantini, L 1987, I resti vegetali, in L. Ricciardi, L. Costantini, J. Giorgi & S. Scali, Blera. L'Alimentazione nel Mondo Antico. Gli Etruschi (Diet in the Ancient World. The Etruscans). (Rome), 83–6

Giorgi, J & Robinson, M 1984, The Environment, in M. Foreman & S. Rahtz (eds.), Excavations at Faccenda Chicken Farm, near Alchester, 1983. Oxoniensia. 49, 38–45